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Nouvelles neuves de PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Weekly News | Nouvelles neuves de PostgreSQL

Par N Bougain le 15/02/2008 - 02:03

Nouvelles hebdomadaires de PostgreSQL - 10 février 2008

  • PostgreSQL 8.3.0 est disponible !
  • Hommage à la "SCALE team" et au LAPUG pour avoir fait de la réunion un succès [ndt: plus d'infos
  • PGDG en RPMs pour PostgreSQL 8.3.0 est à présent disponible :

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PostgreSQL Weekly News / les nouvelles hebdomadaires vous sont offertes cette semaine par David Fetter. La traduction en est assurée par l'équipe PostgreSQLFr.

Proposez vos articles ou annonces avant dimanche 15:00 (heure du Pacifique). Merci de les envoyer en anglais à david (a), en allemand à pwn (a), en italien à pwn (a)

Correctifs appliqués

Magnus Hagander a commité :

  • Handle libraries in directories with spaces in them. Gevik Babakhani.
  • Fix very broken clean.bat for msvc install. The way we used subroutines in .bat simply did not work, and it called them in the wrong order, some several times, and some not at all, so this unrolls all subroutine calls. This should fix the issues with clean deleting the wrong files reported by Dave Page. While at it, add the "clean dist" option to act like "make distclean", and no longer remove the flex/bison output files by default. This should fix the problem reported by Pavel Golub in bug #3909.
  • In pgsql/src/tools/msvc/, fix msvc install script to properly install NLS files when built with gettext.
  • In pgsql/src/tools/msvc/, fix msvc install for cases where msgfmt (from gettext) is in a directory that contains spaces. Per complaint from Gevik Babakhani, like the last one.

Michael Meskes a commité :

  • Fixed segfault in ecpg when using an array element. Free all memory in auto-prepare mode.

Tom Lane a commité :

  • Fix CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ... INCLUDING INDEXES to not cause unwanted tablespace permissions failures when copying an index that is in the database's default tablespace. A side-effect of the change is that explicitly specifying the default tablespace no longer triggers a permissions check; this is not how it was done in pre-8.3 releases but is argued to be more consistent. Per bug #3921 from Andrew Gilligan. (Note: I argued in the subsequent discussion that maybe LIKE shouldn't copy index tablespaces at all, but since no one indicated agreement with that idea, I've refrained from doing it.)
  • Fix silly mistake in expand_indexqual_rowcompare --- in converting a forboth() into an iteration over three parallel lists, I had accidentally put the lnext steps outside the loop. Sigh. Per bug #3938.
  • Add missing copyfuncs/equalfuncs support for AlterTSDictionaryStmt and AlterTSConfigurationStmt. All utility statement node types are expected to be supported here, though they do not have to have outfuncs/readfuncs support. Found by running regression tests with COPY_PARSE_PLAN_TREES enabled.
  • Add missing copyfuncs/equalfuncs support for AlterTSDictionaryStmt and AlterTSConfigurationStmt. All utility statement node types are expected to be supported here, though they do not have to have outfuncs/readfuncs support. Found by running regression tests with COPY_PARSE_PLAN_TREES enabled.
  • Some variants of ALTER OWNER tried to make the "object" field of the statement be a list of bare C strings, rather than String nodes, which is what they need to be for copyfuncs/equalfuncs to work. Fortunately these node types never go out to disk (if they did, we'd likely have noticed the problem sooner), so we can just fix it without creating a need for initdb. This bug has been there since 8.0, but 8.3 exposes it in a more common code path (Parse messages) than prior releases did. Per bug #3940 from Vladimir Kokovic.
  • Avoid misbehavior in foreign key checks when casting to a datatype for which the parser supplies a default typmod that can result in data loss (ie, truncation). Currently that appears to be only CHARACTER and BIT. We can avoid the problem by specifying the type's internal name instead of using SQL-spec syntax. Since the queries generated here are only used internally, there's no need to worry about portability. This problem is new in 8.3; before we just let the parser do whatever it wanted to resolve the operator, but 8.3 is trying to be sure that the semantics of FK checks are consistent. Per report from Harald Fuchs.
  • In pgsql/src/backend/libpq/auth.c, since GSSAPI and SSPI authentication don't work in protocol version 2, issue a helpful error message instead of sending unparsable garbage. (It is clearly a design error that this doesn't work, but fixing it is not worth the trouble at this point.) Per discussion.
  • In pgsql/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml, some small editorialization on the protocol documentation for GSSAPI/SSPI authentication.
  • In pgsql/src/backend/storage/page/bufpage.c, fix PageGetExactFreeSpace() so that it actually behaves sensibly if pd_lower > pd_upper, rather than merely claiming to. This would only matter if the page header were corrupt, which shouldn't occur, but ...

Bruce Momjian a commité :

  • In pgsql/doc/src/sgml/release.sgml, add "automatically" to HOT release note description.

Correctifs rejetés (à ce jour)

Pas de déception cette semaine :-)

Correctifs en attente

  • Manolo di Domenico sent in two revisions of a patch intended to refine the external sorting algorithm by using a two-way replacement selection algorithm.
  • Simon Riggs sent in an optimization of TransactionIdIsInProgress().
  • Tom Lane sent in a patch to fix a bug in VACUUM FULL.

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