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Quelle est la version de PostgreSQL la plus répandue sur vos serveurs ?
7.3 ou antérieure
Nombre de votes: 48

Réplication avec slony I

Technique - général | Réplication avec slony I

Par aitali le 01/08/2007 - 11:07

bonjour a tous,
quand j'ai essayé d'installer slony I, et dés cette étape de ./configure:

./configure --prefix=/var/slonyI --with-perltools --with-pgsql-includedir=/var/postgresql8.2/include --with-pgsql-libdir=/var/postgresql8.2.4/lib --with-pgconfigdir=/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin

j'ai l'erreur suivante:

checking for uint64_t... yes
checking for u_int64_t... yes
checking for ssize_t... yes
checking for POSIX signal interface... yes
checking if you have requested slony1-engine building... yes
checking for pg_config... /var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
pg_config says pg_bindir is /
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
pg_config says pg_libdir is /
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
pg_config says pg_includedir is /
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
pg_config says pg_pkglibdir is /
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
pg_config says pg_includeserverdir is /
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
invalid binary "/var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config"
pg_config: could not find own executable
checking for correct version of PostgreSQL... checking for PQunescapeBytea in -lpq... no
configure: error: Your version of libpq doesn't have PQunescapeBytea
this means that your version of PostgreSQL is lower than 7.3
and thus not supported by Slony-I

avez vous une idée ?
merci d'avance

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Hm... Apparemment l'un des 2

sparky/ = 1 Août, 2007 - 16:42

Hm... Apparemment l'un des 2 est en 32 bits et l'autre en 64. Donc faire file /var/postgresql8.2.4/bin/pg_config et demander que slony soit compiler avec la même architecture.

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